The nuclear industry
- from field capture to transmission between industry players -
La filière nucléaire
- de la capture terrain à la transmission entre acteurs de la filière -
What Olome offers:
- Quality files for your products
- Accessible technical documentation
- Forms such as intervention reports or quality control
- Statuses ( in use, awaiting inspection, etc.)
- Association with a project , product or order
- Declarative geolocation of equipment
- Automated alerts on validity and deadlines
- Simplified allocation of equipment to people
- And above all, the possibility of sharing all this information simply with your customers
What olome can do for you throughout the process :
Steel Fabricators
Transform steel makers
Engineering companies
Order givers
End customer - EDF
- Data collection upstream of the sector
- Data transmission for each actor
- Simplified inventory management
- Aggregation of data at each stage of the chain
- Monitoring of product transport stages
- Consolidation of data all the way to the end user
The olome promise:
Installation and training in 1 to 3 days
Immediate use everywhere and by everyone
No investment
They use olome everyday :
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